Built-in effects list
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Here’s a list of all built-in effects ready to use in your games.
You can also create your own effects:
Behavior Effects animate letters continuously during time, after the letter has been shown.
You can also use Modifiers, which let you change the characteristics of your Behavior effects individually Modifiers.
Modifier ID | Modifier Value | Name | In other words |
a | floating point number, example: 3 | amplitude | effect's strength |
f | floating point number, example: 3 | frequency | speed |
w | floating point number, example: 3 | wave size | how uniform is the effect applied to letters |
d | floating point number, example: 3 | delay | delay of the animation in seconds |
: represents the effect tag, unique in its category (eg. <shake>)
Different with size
: true if the effect results differently based on different sizes and fonts.(Read more here).
Appearance Effects animate letters only when they’re appearing on screen, while Disappearance Effects make them dynamically disappear. For this reason, they’re mostly used in combination with the typewriter, which shows/hides letters one after another.
Reminder: you can set default Appearance and Disappearance Effects in the TextAnimator component, without having to write Appearance Effects tags in each text. Set default effects to the entire text
Modifier ID | Modifier Value | Name | Explanation |
a | floating point number, example: 3 | amplitude | effect's strength |
bot | 0 for false, 1 for true | bottom | if an effect starts from |
x | -1 for left, 0 for middle, 1 for right | horizontal direction | the direction an effect starts from |
d | floating point number, example: 3 | duration | duration of the animation in seconds |
Rotating Tag: rot Modifiers: a, d
Diagonal Expand Tag: diagexp Modifiers: bot, d
Horizontal Expand Tag: horiexp Modifiers: d, x
Vertical Expand Tag: vertexp Modifiers: bot, d
Offset Tag: offset Modifiers: a, d
Tag: fade
Modifiers: d
Tag: size
Modifiers: a, d
Random Direction Tag: rdir Modifiers: a
Pendulum Tag: <pend> Modifiers: a, f, w
Dangle Tag: <dangle> Modifiers: a, f, w
Rainbow Tag: <rainb> Modifiers: f, w
Rotate Tag: <rot> Modifiers: f, w
Bounce Tag: <bounce> Modifiers: a, f, w
Slide Tag: <slide> Modifiers: a, f, w
Swing Tag: <swing> Modifiers: a, f, w
Wave Tag: <wave> Modifiers: a, f, w
Increase Size Tag: <incr> Modifiers: a, f, w
Shake Tag: <shake> Modifiers: a, d
Wiggle Tag: <wiggle> Modifiers: a, f
Tag: <fade> Modifiers: d