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Last updated
With Naninovel, you can use TextAnimator's animations but not the TextAnimatorPlayer component (TextAnimator's typewriter). You have to use Naninovel's typewriter. It is a compromise in order to not change any plugin structure and stability <3
You need to create and set a "Naninovel Text Mesh Pro printer", for example duplicating its "TMProDialogue" prefab. Please read the Naninovel's guide on how to add printers to naninovel.
Your TMPro printer must have a `TextAnimator_TMP` component on the text gameObject that you want to animate.
In the text gameObject that you want to animate (like"DialogueText"), edit the "ReveableTMProText"'s "Revealing section" and disable its fade effect. You could keep this active, but TextAnimator's effects may change because of it (with a fade effect applied.); it's suggested to use TextAnimator's one at this point.
Import the in your project, and add that 'TAnim_NaninovelPaster' to the text gameObject (which has Text Animator and Reveable Printer)
Done! (Don't forget to set that printer as active in your Naninovel dialogues.)
Extra: to create a printer with TextAnimator, one example may be duplicating the TMProDialogue prefab (which has the "ReveableTextPrinterPanel" component on top), locating the "DialogueText" gameobject and adding the "TextAnimator" component near the "ReveableTMProText" component.